Consent Form

Details of consent form

Step 1/2

Consent Form

General Treatment

Step 2/2

Consent for General Treatment

I, or my designated legal guardian, hereby consent to such general diagnostic procedures and medical treatment as necessary and appropriate for my condition or illness in 3Analytics Hospital at the judgment of my physician(s) to be performed by the hospital, doctors, nurses, and other health care providers.

I, understand, that the hospital or any of its staff do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur to any of my belongings, unless received and signed for by the Hospital’s staff.

I, understand, that this form can be used as legal evidence in a court o law inclusive of the general consent and financial consent in case of non-payment.

I have received a copy of Patient and Family Rights and Responsibilities leaflet.

Financial Consent for General Treatment

I, understand, that medical expenses may vary according to the treatment offered. I, the undersigned take upon myself to pay all expenses that may originate from my staying and treatment at 3Analytics Hospital which the Insurer may not cover.

Cash cases:

10% of total advance payment prior to surgery date to book the operation theater (not refundable, will be part of total cost)

Full payment upon admission at the day of surgery

Insurance Cases:

Co-P will be paid upon admission at the day of surgery as per insurance protocol and as mentioned in the insurance approval.

In case of any revision in the final approval any additional Co-P will be paid upon discharge from hospital.