Health Center and Patient Records Management

Business Problem :

The management team of a health center in the rural outskirts of Ahmedabad was looking to digitize the health center. The health center employed a primary care physician, two nurses, a pharmacist and a paramedic. On an average, the health center witnessed footfall of 60 to 80 patients a day. On top of consulting patients and managing their health, the staff was also responsible to maintain various records/registers of the population mandated by the Government. The management was keen to digitize the health center to reduce the work load on the staff and improve patient care with innovative digital tools in prev

Based on preliminary discussions, the health center first wanted to digitize all operations, pharmacy store and patient records. This would enable them to trackand monitor the health of all patients in the catchment area. The data would be displayed on a dashboard to the management which will enable them to assess and visualize the impact of the health center in the area. Based on the data trends, the management wanted to roll out digital tools for follow up care such asautomated text messages and IVR Calls in local dialects and risk assessment algorithms for patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes and highBP. The management is also keen to enable patients from surrounding villages to consult with doctors in the health center through a telemedicine enabled mobile van.


A work flow was designed keeping in mind the current activities and future objectives of the health center. Strauss executives visited the health center to follow the daily routine of staff members at the health center. Strauss also spent time in the field to understanding any pressing challenges faced by the patients in the area. Strauss mapped user journeys of all stake holders which would be a guide to further develop the customized tech platform for the health center.

  • UX/UI design of the tech portal was built.
  • Security tools incorporated to safeguard medical records
  • An intricate token access system built for managing staff access to the portal.
  • Clinical workflow of physician/medical officer integrated in the platform.
  • List of 15000+ diagnosis based on ICD 10 list uploaded to the system.
  • Patient tagging/filter/monitoring based on diagnosis enabled.
  • Feature to upload scanned medical documents of each patient.
  • Algorithms integrated to run analytics on health parameters.
  • Excel upload facility for bulk upload of existing patients or new patients.
  • Data analytics and visualization dashboard created for management team.