Streben Health

The knowledge revolution of recent past has affected us deeply and irreversibly bringing major lifestyle and environmental changes to our lives. Our life expectancy has increased multi-fold bringing new challenges in its wake. Many ofus are already affected or likely to be affected by modern age lifestyle diseases. The alarming fact is that many of these diseases are irreversible and will affect us for rest of our lives once they set in. Even while we aspire to lead long and healthy life, the affordability of healthcare is diminishing. The onlyCUREto thesemaladies isPREVENTION.

This challenging environment demands an innovative and trustworthy partner who can create health-aware work environment at your workplace and deliver onenhanced workforce productivity and efficiency. We,STREBEN HEALTHCARE, have experience and expertise to meet these needs for Corporate Employee Health and Wellness Services.STREBEN HEALTHCAREoffers the combination of Technology with Medical Expertise to offer the Services at the comfort of the workplace Our onsite paramedical team works closely with you for health monitoring and intervention needs. We are backed by a large medical specialist panel with experienced specialists. We are empowered by an innovative medical records platform that provides unmatched health analytics and empower employees to be healthy.

Business Problem :

Streben Healthcare was looking for an experienced IT partner to build their unique corporate health check-up platform. Streben offered health check-ups to employees in a workplace. They needed a platform to create profiles of various business they tie up with and upload the list of all employees of that workplace. Following this, Streben wanted their paramedical staff to be able to input all relevant health parameters in the portal.

Based on all inputs, Streben wanted to run various unique algorithms on the parameters in the platform to automatically calculate a health score of each employee. Following this, Streben tied up with various Specialist doctors and wanted them to be able to individually log in to the portal and provide medical advice to each employee. At the end, Streben wanted to generate a detailed health report of each employee at one click and also send detailed analytics to owners of the company about overall health scores of all the employees in their workplace.

  • Create a single platform for various stakeholders for Streben, namely Streben employees, Workplace owners, workplace employees, paramedical staff, medical specialists.
  • Map user journey of the portal and understand the process of the organization so as to build a portal to fit their business process.
  • Build an end-to-end solution to manage onboarding of workplaces, bulk uploading of employee lists, recording health parameters of employees, generating reports based on algorithms, record specialist consultations.
  • Create a secure portal for their clients to login and search their consultation history and health report.
  • Integrate ability to upload bulk pathology reports of all employees of a workplace, run algorithms on the pathology reports and display the resultsusing color coding.
  • Create mobile application linked with the web portal for access to clients.


A high-level architecture was designed keeping in mind various stakeholders of the company. A wireframe was first built to give an understanding of the user journey. Screen by screen UI/UX design followed the wireframes to lock down the overall platform capabilities and functionalities.

  • UX/UI design of the web application was built.
  • Options to choose user roles and responsibilities created.
  • Health check-up workflow integrated in the web application.
  • Option to create profiles of multiple customers (workplaces) given at administrator level.
  • Feature to bulk upload employee list of workplaces in excel format given
  • Option to add health parameters for paramedics created.
  • Algorithms integrated to run analytics on health parameters.
  • Excel upload facility for bulk pathology reports created for ease of use.
  • One click report generation of all employees.
  • High level analytics and reports generated to be sent to owners of workplaces.

Technologies Used:
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • JQuary
  • HTML 5/CSS
  • Amzon AWS