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Please specify.", "tqm_hindi_question": "पंजीकरण के लिए कितना शुल्क लगा? कृपया बताएं| ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "28", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 13:43:35", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "35", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "If yes, please elaborate why and how much.", "tqm_hindi_question": "पंजीकरण की लागत क्या थी? निर्दिष्ट करें।", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "32", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 13:52:27", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "36", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Describe the room in which you availed the services (Talk about the layout of the room, IEC material displayed, seating arrangement, visual and auditory privacy, curtains on doors and windows, examination table etc.)", "tqm_hindi_question": "उस कमरे का वर्णन करें जिसमें आपने सेवाओं का लाभ उठाया था (कमरे के लेआउट के बारे में बात करें, आईईसी सामग्री प्रदर्शित की गई, बैठने की व्यवस्था, दृश्य और श्रवण गोपनीयता, दरवाजों और खिड़कियों पर पर्दे, परीक्षा की मेज आदि)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "33", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 13:52:55", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "44", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "If yes, please explain why you felt so?", "tqm_hindi_question": "यदि हाँ, तो कृपया बताएं कि आपको ऐसा क्यों लगा?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "41", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:43:56", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "45", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "What all information did the service provider ask you? (State specific questions asked and also give detailed description of conversation around each)", "tqm_hindi_question": "सेवा प्रदाता ने आपसे क्या-क्या जानकारी ली? (क्या विशिष्ट प्रश्न पूछे गए हैं और प्रत्येक के आसपास बातचीत का विस्तृत विवरण भी दें)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "42", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:44:24", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "47", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Comment on your experience with the service provider (Probes: How did the conversation start, were you addressed by your name, what did the provider enquire from you?)", "tqm_hindi_question": "सेवा प्रदाता के साथ अपने अनुभव पर टिप्पणी करें (जांच: बातचीत की शुरुआत कैसे हुई, क्या आपको आपके नाम से संबोधित किया गया था, प्रदाता ने आपसे क्या पूछताछ की थी?)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "44", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:46:06", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:20" }, { "tqm_id": "49", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Comment on the attitude and behaviour of the provider (Probes: was he/she rude, interested in the conversation, not interested, rushing, sensitive, insensitive etc., why do you feel so?)", "tqm_hindi_question": "प्रदाता के दृष्टिकोण और व्यवहार पर टिप्पणी करें (जांच: क्या वह / वह असभ्य थे , बातचीत में रुचि रखता थे , दिलचस्पी नहीं, जल्दबाज़ी, संवेदनशील, असंवेदनशील आदि, आपको ऐसा क्यों लगता है?)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "47", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:47:02", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:43" }, { "tqm_id": "51", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Please elaborate why you felt so? (Probes: were they non-judgmental, did they make any assumptions about you)", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया विस्तृत करें कि आपको ऐसा क्यों लगा? (जांच: क्या वे गैर-न्यायिक थे, क्या उन्होंने आपके बारे में कोई धारणा बनाई है)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "49", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:48:27", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:58" }, { "tqm_id": "54", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "If yes, what was the question?", "tqm_hindi_question": "यदि हाँ, तो प्रश्न क्या था?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "52", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:50:01", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:28:24" }, { "tqm_id": "58", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were you given a reason why that was required?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपको उसके लिए कोई कारण बताया गया?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "56", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:52:00", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:29:01" }, { "tqm_id": "60", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "If you did not receive the service(s)/commodities you sought, what were the reasons stated by the service provider?", "tqm_hindi_question": "यदि आपको वह सेवा नहीं मिली जो आपने मांगी थी, तो सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा बताए गए कारण क्या थे?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "58", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:55:28", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:29:35" }, { "tqm_id": "61", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "If the service provider take your sexual history, did they ask in a sensitive manner if you were sexually active? Please elaborate on the conversation, if they did. (Probes: What was the exact question that was asked? Did the provider sound judgmental? What was the tone of the provider when they asked this question?) ", "tqm_hindi_question": "यदि सेवा प्रदाता आपका यौन इतिहास लेता है, तो क्या उन्होंने संवेदनशील तरीके से पूछा कि क्या आप यौन रूप से सक्रिय थे? कृपया बातचीत पर विस्तार से बताएं (जांच: सटीक प्रश्न क्या पूछा गया था? क्या प्रदाता आलोचनात्मक थे? इस प्रश्न को पूछने पर प्रदाता का लहज़ा कैसा था?)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "59", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:55:48", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:29:43" }, { "tqm_id": "62", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did the service provider give you comprehensive and easily understandable information or any educational material during the counseling?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या सेवा प्रदाता ने आपको परामर्श के दौरान व्यापक और आसानी से समझने योग्य जानकारी या कोई शैक्षिक सामग्री प्रदान की?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "60", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:56:12", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:30:17" }, { "tqm_id": "63", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did the service provider ask questions to verify if you had experienced any form of sexual assault or violence? Comment on this.", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या सेवा प्रदाता ने आपसे आपके साथ हुए किसी भी प्रकार के यौन उत्पीड़न या हिंसा के अनुभव जान्ने के लिए सवाल पूछे? इस पर टिप्पणी करें।", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "61", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:56:33", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:30:20" }, { "tqm_id": "64", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did you find the service provider to be sensitive and non-judgmental in his/her interaction with you? Why did you think so?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपने सेवा प्रदाता को आपके साथ बातचीत में संवेदनशील और गैर-निर्णयपूर्ण पाया? आपने ऐसा क्यों सोचा?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "62", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-08-29 14:56:56", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:30:20" }, { "tqm_id": "78", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "1", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Gender", "tqm_hindi_question": "जेंडर ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "3", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-14 15:06:36", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-06-01 15:36:26" }, { "tqm_id": "79", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "1", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Sexual Orientation", "tqm_hindi_question": "यौन रुझान ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "5", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-14 15:12:10", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:01:52" }, { "tqm_id": "80", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "1", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "SRH service availed", "tqm_hindi_question": "प्राप्त की गयी यौन एवं प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवा ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "8", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-14 15:24:56", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:02:42" }, { "tqm_id": "83", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were there any direction boards on your way to the facility? ", "tqm_hindi_question": "स्वास्थ्य केंद्र पहुँचने के लिए रास्ते में कोई दिशा चिन्ह थे? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "17", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-15 21:08:55", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:23:52" }, { "tqm_id": "84", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did the facility have a waiting area? (If no, skip to question 4)", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या इस स्वास्थ्य केंद्र में प्रतीक्षालय था? (यदि उत्तर नहीं है तो सवाल 4 पर जाएं)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "18", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-15 21:12:06", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:23:52" }, { "tqm_id": "85", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did the waiting area have adequate seats?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या प्रतीक्षालय में पर्याप्त मात्रा में कुर्सियां लगी थी?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "19", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-15 21:14:08", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:23:52" }, { "tqm_id": "86", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Was there a list of commodities/services available at the health facility on public display? (If no, skip to question 6)", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या स्वास्थ्य सुविधा में उपलब्ध वस्तुओं / सेवाओं की सूची प्रदर्शित थी? ( अगर नहीं, 6 पर जाएं ) ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "20", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-15 23:05:25", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "87", "tqm_ans_type": "4", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please select the available disabled friendly services", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया विकलांगों की सेवाओं के लिए उपलब्ध ", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "22", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-15 23:52:35", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-26 12:23:28" }, { "tqm_id": "88", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please specify", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया उल्लिखित करें ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "87", "tqm_number": "78", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-15 23:54:55", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "89", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Did you have to register at the facility to avail the services? (If no, skip to question-4)", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपको स्वास्थय केंद्र में सेवाएँ लेने के लिए पंजीकरण कराना पड़ा? (अगर नहीं तो प्रश्न -4 पर जाएं) ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "27", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-16 13:34:49", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "92", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Does the facility have any information displayed on RKSK/ AFHC in the facility? (If no or not applicable, skip to question-10)", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या स्वास्थय केंद्र में आर.के.एस.के / ए.एफ.एच.सी पर कोई सूचना प्रदर्शित है? (यदि नहीं या लागू नहीं है, तो प्रश्न-10 पर जाएं)", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "24", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-16 14:26:10", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "98", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Did you have to pay to the service provider/ anyone else after the registration? ", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या पंजीकरण करवाने के बाद आपको किसी डॉक्टर/ या अन्य किसी को कोई भुगतान करना पड़ा? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "31", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 21:24:04", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "99", "tqm_ans_type": "4", "tqm_tqs_id": "6", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did the consultation area have any of the following IEC material displayed:", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या डॉक्टर के सलाह कमरे में निम्नलिखित आई.ई. सी. सामग्री उपलब्ध थी? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "34", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 21:32:43", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "100", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Who was the service provider who attended you at the facility?", "tqm_hindi_question": "स्वास्थय केंद्र में आपको देखने वाले सेवा प्रदाता कौन थे? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "36", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 21:38:11", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "101", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please specify", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया निर्दिष्ट करें ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "100", "tqm_number": "88", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 21:38:42", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "103", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were there other patients present apart from the service provider and support staff?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या उस कमरे में सेवा प्रदाता और सहायक कर्मचारी के अलावा और भी कोई मौजूद था ? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "38", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 21:53:31", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:26:36" }, { "tqm_id": "104", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Did the consultation room allow privacy?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या परामर्श कक्ष में आपको गोपनीयता महसूस हुई?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "39", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 21:58:41", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "105", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were you comfortable and felt it provided you privacy?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपको इस दौरान सहजता महसूस हुई और लगा की आप एकांत में चर्चा कर रहे हैं? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "40", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:01:19", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "106", "tqm_ans_type": "4", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Did the provider ask about the following things: ", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या सेवा प्रदाता ने आपसे इनके बारे में पूछा: ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "43", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:05:39", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:12" }, { "tqm_id": "107", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "If you identify as LGBTQI, do you think the provider was sensitive towards trans identity or same sex desires/ relationships? ", "tqm_hindi_question": "यदि आप LGBTQI व्यक्ति हैं, तो क्या आपको लगता है कि प्रदाता ट्रांसजेंडर पहचान या समलैंगिक रुझान के प्रति संवेदनशील था?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "48", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:09:29", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:48" }, { "tqm_id": "108", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "If an examination was performed on you, how was your experience?", "tqm_hindi_question": "यदि आपकी शारीरिक जांच की गई, तो आपका अनुभव कैसा रहा?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "50", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:12:30", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:28:06" }, { "tqm_id": "109", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Did you ask any specific question from the provider regarding the service you availed? (If no, skip to question-19)", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपने मिलने वाली सेवा के बारे में कोई विशेष सवाल पूछा? (अगर नहीं, तो प्रश्न-19 पर जाएं) ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "51", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:15:56", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:28:16" }, { "tqm_id": "110", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were you satisfied with the answer given by the provider?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आप सेवाप्रदाता के जवाब से संतुष्ट हुए?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "53", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:18:59", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:28:30" }, { "tqm_id": "111", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Did the service provider insist on parental/ guardian consent or asked you to visit along with parents/ guardian?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या सेवा प्रदाता ने माता-पिता / अभिभावक की सहमति पर जोर दिया या आपको माता-पिता / अभिभावक के साथ आने के लिए कहा?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "54", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:21:51", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:28:49" }, { "tqm_id": "112", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were you asked for a follow-up visit?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपको दोबारा आने के लिए कहा गया? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "55", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:27:28", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:28:56" }, { "tqm_id": "113", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were you asked for a verbal or written feedback?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपने मौखिक या लिखित सुझाव माँगा गया?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "57", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:31:51", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:29:06" }, { "tqm_id": "115", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please utilise this space to elaborate on any additional comments or anecdotes that you would like to share about this experience.", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया इस स्थान का उपयोग कोई अन्य या अतिरिक्त विस्तृत जानकारी देने के लिए कीजिये या यहाँ अपने अनुभव को बताएं| ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "64", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:41:19", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:30:46" }, { "tqm_id": "116", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "8", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Did it make you uncomfortable to visit these facilities for purposes of research and knowing that you were not actually seeking these services? If yes, how did you tackle/ work on your discomfort?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या ऑडिट के प्रयोजन से इस स्वास्थय केंद्र में जाना आपको असुविधाजनक लगा था क्यूंकि आपको यह तो भलीभांति मालूम था की आप कोई स्वास्थय सेवा लेने के लिए इस केंद्र में नहीं जा रहे थे? अगर ऐसा था तो कैसे अपनी असहजता को दूर किया? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "65", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-09-17 22:47:28", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:31:00" }, { "tqm_id": "127", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Without visiting the provider, are there any of the following SRH commodities available? \r\n1. Condoms-male\r\n2. Condoms- female", "tqm_hindi_question": "प्रदाता का दौरा किए बिना, क्या कोई भी SRH वस्तुएं उपलब्ध हैं?\r\n1. कंडोम- पुरुषों के लिए \r\n2. कंडोम- महिलाओं के लिए ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "23", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-06 13:23:45", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:24:19" }, { "tqm_id": "133", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "10", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please write which were the most important factors for you that influenced your experience at the facility and with the service provider.\r\n", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया उन महत्वपूर्ण कारक को लिखें जिसने सुविधा और सेवा प्रदाता के साथ आपके अनुभव को प्रभावित किया हो| \r\n", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "75", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-08 15:28:45", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-25 17:39:31" }, { "tqm_id": "134", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "How much time did the service provider give you?", "tqm_hindi_question": "सेवा प्रदाता ने आपको कितना समय दिया?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "45", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-11 22:34:44", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:30" }, { "tqm_id": "135", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Was the time provided by the service provider adequate? ", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या सेवा प्रदाता द्वारा प्रदान किया गया समय पर्याप्त था?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "46", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-11 22:37:29", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:27:38" }, { "tqm_id": "138", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Were you asked to provide an identity document for registration?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या आपको पंजीकरण के लिए अपना कोई पहचान पत्र दिखाना पड़ा था? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "29", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-11 23:17:08", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "139", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Please specify which document was asked and if you provided any.", "tqm_hindi_question": "अगर हाँ तो निर्दिष्ट करें कि कौन सा दस्तावेज़ पूछा गया था और आपने कौन सा दिखाया था| ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "138", "tqm_number": "94", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-11 23:17:41", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "141", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "In which center/ department was the service available?", "tqm_hindi_question": "आपकी सुविधा कौन से सेंटर/विभाग में मिली? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "30", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-12 01:50:54", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "142", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "5", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please specify", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया निर्दिष्ट करें", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "141", "tqm_number": "96", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-12 01:51:33", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "143", "tqm_ans_type": "4", "tqm_tqs_id": "6", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Detail out the IEC material here (For hand-out materials, include details like which institution published it, what information is there and if pictures are used. Please attach all hand materials you received at the facility)\r\n\r\n\r\n", "tqm_hindi_question": "यहां आईईसी सामग्री का विस्तार करें (हैंड-आउट सामग्री के लिए, इसमें विवरण शामिल करें कि किस संस्था ने इसे प्रकाशित किया है, कौन सी जानकारी है और यदि चित्रों का उपयोग किया जाता है। कृपया सुविधा में प्राप्त सभी हाथ सामग्री संलग्न करें)\r\n", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "1", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "35", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "1", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-12 02:07:17", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "144", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "6", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Give details ", "tqm_hindi_question": "विस्तार में बताएं ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "143", "tqm_number": "98", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-12 02:08:25", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "145", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "2", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Type of the facility ", "tqm_hindi_question": "स्वास्थय केंद्र की श्रेणी", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "14", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 11:15:31", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:24" }, { "tqm_id": "146", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "2", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please specify", "tqm_hindi_question": "ब्यौरा दें ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "145", "tqm_number": "100", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 11:16:11", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "147", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please include a photograph of it and explain where and how it was. ", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया उसकी एक फोटो लगाएं और ब्यौरा दें की यह जानकारी कहाँ प्रदर्शित थी और किसी थी? ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "1", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "25", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 11:37:19", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "148", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Was there any helpline number of an SRH programme (eg: RKSK, Family planning) displayed at the facility? (If no, skip to section-4)", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या कोई हेल्पलाइन नंबर स्वास्थय केंद्र पर प्रदर्शित किया गया था? (यदि नहीं, तो अनुभाग -4 पर जाएं)", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "1", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "26", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 11:43:20", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:21:57" }, { "tqm_id": "149", "tqm_ans_type": "2", "tqm_tqs_id": "4", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Please attach a photo of the displayed helpline number or give the helpline number, explain where it was displayed and what is the purpose of helpline number. ", "tqm_hindi_question": "कृपया प्रदर्शित जानकारी की तस्वीर लगाएं और बताएं की हेल्पलाइन नंबर क्या था और कहाँ प्रदर्शित था?", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "148", "tqm_number": "102", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 11:45:57", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "150", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Was the name of the provider displayed or informed to you for transparency?", "tqm_hindi_question": "क्या पारदर्शिता के लिए प्रदाता का नाम प्रदर्शित किया गया या आपको सूचित किया गया?", "tqm_sub_ques": "1", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "37", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 13:39:52", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:26:36" }, { "tqm_id": "151", "tqm_ans_type": "1", "tqm_tqs_id": "7", "tqm_validate": "0", "tqm_question": "Provide the name of the service provider.", "tqm_hindi_question": "सेवा प्रदाता का नाम बताएं| ", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "150", "tqm_number": "104", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 13:40:50", "tqm_modify_date": null }, { "tqm_id": "154", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "9", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Comprehensive Information provided with comfort by the provider during the session.", "tqm_hindi_question": "सत्र के दौरान प्रदाता द्वारा आराम के साथ प्रदान की गई व्यापक जानकारी| \r\n", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "70", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 14:04:34", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:31:19" }, { "tqm_id": "155", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "9", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Waiting time to visit the provider ", "tqm_hindi_question": "सेवा प्रदाता से मिलने के लिए प्रतीक्षा समय", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "71", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 14:07:37", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:31:19" }, { "tqm_id": "156", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "9", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "IEC displayed and hand-out material provided.\r\n", "tqm_hindi_question": "प्रदर्शित आई.ई.सी. और हैंड-आउट सामग्री।\r\n", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "67", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 14:11:20", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:31:11" }, { "tqm_id": "157", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "9", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Privacy maintenance in the facility ", "tqm_hindi_question": "सुविधा में गोपनीयता बनाए रखना", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "72", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 14:18:32", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:04:17" }, { "tqm_id": "158", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "9", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Feedback mechanism in the facility ", "tqm_hindi_question": "सुविधा में प्रतिपुष्टि प्रतिक्रिया तंत्र", "tqm_sub_ques": "0", "tqm_image_answer": "0", "tqm_parent_id": "0", "tqm_number": "73", "tqm_created_by": "1", "tqm_delete": "0", "tqm_deleted_by": "0", "tqm_modify_by": "0", "tqm_created_date": "2020-10-14 14:21:59", "tqm_modify_date": "2021-02-10 12:04:04" }, { "tqm_id": "159", "tqm_ans_type": "5", "tqm_tqs_id": "10", "tqm_validate": "1", "tqm_question": "Overall experience at the facility ", "tqm_hindi_question": "इस सुविधा में कुल मिलाकर आपका अनुभव कैसा रहा? 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