Digital Heath In Chronic Care Disease Management

In this blog post, we discuss the role and scope of digital health tools in the management of chronic care diseases. Chronic diseases are those diseases or health issues that persist for a long duration. This duration could extend from 3 months to an entire lifetime, depending on the patient’s body composition, resistance, lifestyle, and the nature of the disease.

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The Benefits Of Telemedicine

We’ve slowly started living our entire lives digitally since the turn of this century. Everything from the computers we use to the phones we carry has become more compact and efficient than ever before in the history of mankind. We’ve started eliminating a lot of unnecessary physical chores from our day-to-day existence, and in turn learned to save time for ourselves.

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Digital Health Tools For Patient Engagement

As doctors, healthcare professionals, and consultants, we’re beginning to realise that our patients need health related assistance, guidance, and intervention, on a regular basis, but are not always able to compromise on their other life commitments.

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The Role Of Electronic Medical Records In Hospital Enterprise Solutions

With discussions regarding digital health management systems taking the forefront at most medical conventions, it is only apt that we broach upon the scope of ...

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