With discussions regarding digital health management systems taking the forefront at most medical conventions, it is only apt that we broach upon the scope of hospital enterprise solutions with regards to hospital management.

This article talks about the broad scope of hospital enterprise solutions, and the role of electronic medical record-keeping in such software.

Hospital enterprise solutions, often known as Hospital Management Information Systems (HMIS) essentially assist in collecting, collating, and integrating all hospital related data in one place, for analysis, interpretation, and administrative purposes. Hospital enterprise solutions can also assist with conducting secure, fast transactions across departments, and from patients. The other common features of hospital enterprise solutions that enhance operational efficiency are:

  • Staff and Patient Registration
  • Appointment Scheduling and Management
  • Inpatient & Outpatient Allocation and Management
  • Sales and Inventory Management from In-House Medical Stores
  • Blood Bank Management
  • Pharma and Testing Lab Management
  • Security and Administration
  • Human Resource Management
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Electronic Medical Record Keeping
  • Of all these, electronic medical record keeping is one such feature that significantly reduces the burden of maintaining bulky health record files, for patients. Before the advent of efficient HMIS, patients had to safeguard every single medical record in hard copy format, across multiple files. Patients often ran the risk of losing certain documents, effectively erasing aspects of their own medical history. This in turn makes the doctor’s task of diagnosing problems and prescribing medication significantly difficult. Eventually, incorrect decisions taken because of missing health records exposes patients to health risks, which could otherwise have been avoided.